What's Wrong With the World

          Today’s world is filled with so much hate and violence, it can be quite discouraging when we don’t know what can be done as causation can be ambiguous to decipher.  There are some ways we can start to understand though on how as a society we can shift this negative perspective.  For me, I have found that it seems peoples priorities are not exactly in the right order.  Now, I am not talking about finding inner peace or finding support from others as our personality of social beings drives us to have.  These things can often be found with most, yet there is still something not right about how we are viewing the world.  

          What I see though is society has come to prioritize love and violence incorrectly, and this is what I mean by that.  If I were to put a large screen and play violent movie clips of people slaughtering each other, people would barely bat an eye.  Worse, this is happening.  News station across the country are displaying in the street images of actual going ons in the world of true violence, and people tend to just pay minimum morose towards it to be able to just go on with their lives as this is the new normal and nobody seems to accept the gravity of lives being taken unjustly. 

          We as a society actually go as far to glorify violence in the forms of entertainment.  Millions line up to see the latest action flick of people getting gunned down and they enjoy watching it.  Then go home to video games that depict this same type of violence in absolute, extreme, high definition graphics that those who enjoy this type of entertainment crave.  Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t think if you watch these type of videos or play these types of games it means that you’re going to go out and gun a bunch of people down, but we have just centered our values incorrectly when it comes to violence.

          It is one of the biggest tragedies to happen to us humans this desensitization of violence.  That we no longer properly acknowledge when a life is taken on how irreversible that action is. When there can be no proof that there is an afterlife, we must understand how precious life is that this may be it.  Now I know religious people will say here that they know there is an afterlife, but I’m sorry no you don’t, no one can possibly know if there is or isn’t and we must accept the fact that nothingness is a possibility.  This desensitization to violence has made us forget that sacredness (of life) as well as given us an obsession with lethal objects that people go out of there way to protect their ability to get weapons in exchange for apathy for humanity, and this love and obsession for inanimate objects over human life needs to stop.  

          Now, let’s go back to the screen I put up in public, and instead of putting up clips of violence I instead put up clips of people making love.  Now I’m not talking about hardcore porno, but an artistic depiction of what actually brings love and life into this world.  People would loose their minds at this nude display in public.  This stems from our society having an incorrect view about sex being negative and any discussion of it should be stopped immediately, to prevent any idea that entertains any sexual thought because this negative view doesn’t want you to think sex is ok.  Sex is what brings life and love into this world, and we need to end this attack against our main instinct because it isn’t healthy.  We have an obsession of violence that we must counter act with the opposite, and that is love, in all shapes and forms.  

          We as a society have even gone as far as mutilating men and women’s genitalia in order to prevent them from wanting to use it.  Now we have stopped the circumcision of women for the most part, but yet we continue to do it to our men.  In America, you’ll find most men are circumcised, and it’s generally because the father is so why not keep the child the same, but this practice stems from a horrible practice of insane religious attitude to keep people from acting on their sexual desires.  

          John Kellogg, the creator of Corn Flakes, created bland food as a way to stop people from masturbating.  He believed when you had sexual thoughts, if you ate something bland it would make them go away, where if you ate something flavorful it would engorge those sexual desires.  Him and other crazy religious people went around telling others that masturbation would cause things like blindness in order to prevent people from acting upon their desires.  This crusade is what brought circumcision to the masses in America, as a way to try and stop men from using their penises.  

          When we look and the lunacy that created this circumcision craze why do we continue it? Circumcision can go wrong, leaving a man with a non functioning penis, painful erections, or in rare cases death.  Some will try and convince that the benefits out way the risk, however the main risk to an uncircumcised penis comes from uncleanliness and all it takes to correct it is to properly teach your child how to clean their genitals.  Why would you choose to mutilate your child, because that is what it is when you’re removing a part of their body from them, instead of just teach them how to wash properly?  

          Continuation of practices from centuries ago started by people who were abhorrently against sex because of improper education on the subject is something that I just don’t understand.  We need to stop these attacks against our main DNA instinct, because the result is we start to obsess with violence when we can’t get proper release for this desire that brings love and joy.  I hope for the sake of humanity we stop this crusade against sex and instead start focusing that same energy towards violence in our communities.  

          Let yourself become as outraged towards watching murder as you would from watching porn, and then and then maybe we can start to move forwards as a society.  Instead of leaving so many needlessly buried because we don’t know how to properly be upset with violence.  

Author Jay

Image by Mostafa Meraji from Pixabay



“A remedy [for masturbation] which is almost always successful in small boys is circumcision, especially when there is any degree of phimosis. The operation should be performed by a surgeon without administering an anaesthetic, as the brief pain attending the operation will have a salutary effect upon the mind, especially if it be connected with the idea of punishment, as it may well be in some cases. The soreness which continues for several weeks interrupts the practice, and if it had not previously become too firmly fixed, it may be forgotten and not resumed.”


“For girls, applying carbolic acid to the clitoris is an excellent means of allaying the abnormal excitement.  For those suffering from nymphomania, I recommend cool sitz baths; the cool enema; a spare diet; the application of blisters and other irritants to the sensitive parts of the sexual organs, the removal of the clitoris, and labia minora.”

-John Kellog


  • “Plain Facts for Old and Young: Embracing the Natural History and Hygiene of Organic Life”  Book by John Kellog where he recomends blindness and other illnesses are caused by masturbation, and bland foods prevent sexual desires.